
If you have an issue with your application, consider and try to rule out the following:

  • Connectivity issues with external applications.
  • Bad Start commands. For example, if you are trying to use yarn when only npm is available, or a package.json file without the required start script.
  • When chaining Start commands, the last command must initiate a web service. This keeps the container running and listening to incoming connections.
  • An invalid package name in package.json. For example, do not use “js” or “node” in the name. For more details, see the specifics of npm’s package.json handling in the npm Docs.
  • Permission issues.
  • Missing files.

General Troubleshooting Steps

  1. If your application is created with a Dockerfile, make sure Bash is installed in the container. Usually, the base image (e.g. Ubuntu) includes a shell package and will work by default. The shell package may not be included in some more streamlined containers, and you’ll need to add it. The base image determines how to add the shell package:
    • Alpine: apk add bash
    • Ubuntu/Debian: apt install bash
    • Fedora: dnf install bash
  1. Change the start command to sleep 9999. This will get the pod into a running state where you can interact with it via the Web terminal. Edit the web process to change the start command (Processes > Runtime processes > Web process > Edit process).
  2. Open the Web terminal.
  3. Check the environment variables. In the web terminal, enter printenv and check that the environment variables are what you expect them to be.
  4. Run the application manually. Try running the application manually with debug options enabled. The command to do this may vary, depending on the application. For more details, check the documentation for the language or package manager your application is built with.
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