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Extend Campaigns Cross-Channel & Cross-Platform—Diversifying Ad Revenue Streams

Publishers leverage Measurable Extension to sell and deliver media seamlessly beyond their owned & operated inventory.

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Extend Campaigns Cross-Channel & Cross-Platform—Diversifying Ad Revenue Streams

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Struggling to Grow Ad Revenue?

Premium publishers face limited ad inventory space, preventing them from boosting ad revenue. The demand for ad placements often outpaces available inventory, creating a bottleneck that stifles growth.

Join top publishers overcoming this limitation with Measurable Extension by Kochava.

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The Power of Measurable Extension for Publishers

money icon

Maximize campaign budgets from direct-sold clients.

Extend audience reach across other platforms & channels beyond your own.

Deliver the right ad, to the right user, on the right device, at the right time.

Increase ad revenue without increasing ad load on owned & operated properties.

Adomni and Roku logos

Adomni leverages Measurable Extension to extend advertiser campaigns from its digital out-of-home (DOOH) inventory to connected TV (CTV) and beyond. With one major client, Adomni extended a DOOH-first campaign to Roku and other premium CTV ad platforms, increasing conversion rates 4X. With Measurable Extension, the budget for the direct-sold ad buy increased 75%—boosting Adomni ad sales revenue.

Ask us how Measurable Extension can work for you across:

  • Mobile
  • Web
  • Connected TV (CTV)
  • Digital out-of-home (DOOH)
  • and other channels
Request a Consultation

Provide More Value for Your Advertisers

Publishers using Measurable Extension give their advertisers key benefits:

Minimized workload, maximized performance. Advertisers set up one campaign—while getting the reach and delivery of many.

Seamless activation of creatives across platforms ensures that the right ad is delivered to the right user on the right platform, every time.

Integrated Kochava measurement solutions enable attribution, insights, and rich reporting that informs performance optimization across platforms.

Get Started

Want to see how Measurable Extension can enhance your ad revenue streams
and strengthen relationships with your advertisers?

Complete this form to connect with our team.

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Enhanced Cross-Device Attribution Boosts Publisher CVR 8 to 10% https://www.kochava.com/blog/device-link-enhanced-cross-device-attribution/ Fri, 20 Dec 2024 17:07:02 +0000 https://www.kochava.com/?p=55467 The post Enhanced Cross-Device Attribution Boosts Publisher CVR 8 to 10% appeared first on Kochava.


Maximizing conversion rates (CVR) and publisher ad yield with Device Link™

Publishers with premium owned and operated ad inventory face significant challenges in receiving proper credit for the conversions they drive across multiple connected devices. As consumers increasingly use a variety of devices throughout their conversion journey, accurately tracking and attributing conversions becomes complex. This fragmentation makes it difficult for publishers to demonstrate their true impact on sales and other outcomes for their advertisers. Traditional tracking methods often fail to capture the full picture of a consumer’s path to purchase.

Moreover, the lack of standardized cross-device tracking solutions compounds the problem. Publishers must navigate a landscape where data privacy is paramount and varying device ecosystems complicate the collection and analysis of user data. As a result, they often struggle to prove their value to advertisers, who may not fully recognize or appreciate the role publishers play in driving the business outcomes advertisers care about. This challenge underscores the need for more sophisticated attribution models that can accurately reflect the contributions of publishers.

Bridging the Gap With Device Link From Kochava

Kochava created Device Link™ to help premium publishers and platforms capture the bigger performance picture. An exclusive feature of Kochava for Publishers, a leading outcomes measurement platform, Device Link extends outcomes attribution across all devices linked by a device graph resolution to the original device (e.g., mobile, connected TV [CTV], desktop) where your ads are served.

Suppose a consumer sees your ad on their CTV at home, then leaves for work and completes an app install, in-app purchase, web visit, or other activity on their mobile device while on the go. Many attribution models employed by premium publishers would be unable to account for this type of customer journey, where the conversion takes place over a different internet connection and/or device than where the original ad impression was seen. While the ad you served was the driving force behind the customer’s decision to convert, you won’t see credit for it—and neither will the advertiser. That’s where Device Link comes in.

Device Link leverages privacy-first device graphs and can even incorporate a publisher’s own first-party device graph to fill the void and connect the dots between disparate touchpoints. It helps create the connective tissue across each step in your customer’s journey, no matter which device they bounce to, whether they’re at home or on the go.

Better Conversion Rates and Ad Yield With Device Link

Comprehensive backtesting has demonstrated a consistent enhancement of 8 to 10% in reported outcomes when integrating Device Link into a publisher’s outcomes measurement strategy.

A detailed analysis conducted for a leading publisher, specifically a CTV original equipment manufacturer (OEM) with owned and operated inventory, examined campaigns from two separate advertisers. The additional conversions identified through Device Link revealed incremental attribution increases of 9.5% for the first advertiser and 10.6% for the second.

Previously, the CTV OEM lacked the ability to prove out and report on the additional outcomes resulting from their ads. Now, the enhanced performance insight helps them drive new opportunities and greater spend commitments from their advertisers, while increasing overall ad yield.

Device Link has been a collaborative undertaking with some of our largest publisher clients. It directly addresses a key pain point the industry faces. I’m excited by the strong results we’re seeing, which is allowing these premium publishers to move the needle with their advertisers and prove their ability to deliver stronger outcomes.

Jason HicksGM, Kochava for Publishers

Activating Device Link for Advertiser Campaigns

Are you a publisher or platform with premium owned and operated inventory? Is your outcomes measurement strategy coming up short in capturing the full value you deliver to your advertisers? To learn more about Device Link and how it can improve reported conversion rates on your premium inventory, contact our team today.

Already a client of Kochava for Publishers? Device Link is available now. To request more information about enabling Device Link on your account, contact support@kochava.com.

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Securing More Performance Marketing Dollars With Outcomes Measurement https://www.kochava.com/blog/securing-more-performance-marketing-dollars-with-outcomes-measurement/ Tue, 25 Jun 2024 18:10:32 +0000 https://www.kochava.com/?p=53455 The post Securing More Performance Marketing Dollars With Outcomes Measurement appeared first on Kochava.


Premium publishers and platforms seek to diversify beyond brand dollars

The battle for advertising dollars is more competitive than ever. Many premium publishers and platforms with owned & operated inventory are vying to attract more performance marketers—and their budgets. Brand advertising is still alive and well; however, media buyers are increasingly steering more budget toward the channels and partners with which they can prove outcomes and return on investment (ROI). While reach, frequency, and brand awareness are still considered valuable, there’s more pressure to show ROI in the form of specific business outcomes. This is why outcomes measurement has become such a hot topic in adtech.

Outcomes Measurement Enables Performance Marketing

Outcomes measurement evaluates the tangible results and impacts of marketing and advertising efforts. It goes beyond simply observing total impressions and unique reach to narrow in on measuring the actual outcomes and business objectives achieved. The specific outcomes measured depend on the advertiser and their goal(s); however, common outcomes include mobile app installs, in-app purchases, other in-app events, and website conversions; even footfall visitation and consumer purchases can be measured in certain cases.

Outcomes Measurement

With outcomes measurement:

  • An insurance company can see how premium audio ads drive page visits and/or form fills on their website.
  • An auto dealership can connect the dots between premium CTV ads and visits to their location(s) or online bookings for test drives.
  • A quick service restaurant (QSR) chain can observe how premium in-game ads drive orders and loyalty registrations through their mobile app.

Advertisers are willing to spend performance budgets only if the outcomes they seek to drive can be measured accurately and transparently. Outcomes measurement is therefore fundamental to performance marketing.

Let’s explore the real use case of a smart TV original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and how they leveraged outcomes measurement to grow their ad sales business.

Example Use Case | Smart TV OEM Platform

The Company

A smart TV OEM innovating the future of CTV advertising. Through its vibrant CTV entertainment ecosystem, the company offers advertisers extensive reach and precision targeting across tens of millions of homes.

The Challenge

While the company has ample business with brand marketers, it’s seeking to grow ad sales revenue with performance marketers. Marketers have long pigeonholed CTV as a brand marketing channel for driving awareness and audience reach, while discounting its effectiveness for driving true performance. Battling this perception, the company needs to connect the dots between their platform-direct ad inventory and lower-funnel conversions across connected devices. The end goal? Enabling advertisers to correlate their ad spend with direct business outcomes.

The Solution

The company licensed and integrated Kochava for Publishers, a hosted outcomes measurement platform. The company syndicated ad impressions across its placements into the platform. Further, leveraging built-in integrations, the company’s advertisers were able to syndicate their conversion events securely into the platform. This facilitated real-time attribution of ad exposures across the company’s inventory to the lower-funnel outcomes (app installs, in-app events, website activity) their advertisers sought to drive.

Ads served across the company’s prime placements—home screen, app channel store tiles, mobile remote banners, and sponsorship splashes—could now be directly attributed back to user engagements on an advertiser’s app, website, or other connected service.

This gave the company real-time outcomes measurement to support a performance-based marketing model with their media buyers.

The Impact

A major streaming entertainment service launched performance marketing campaigns for user acquisition (UA) on the company’s platform. With outcomes measurement enabled, the company could independently report same-screen and cross-screen conversions for installs and launches of the advertiser’s app on CTV and mobile devices.

Through the performance marketing campaigns, the company drove a 9.5% lift in same-screen app installs (compared to industry norms of 4–6%). These were cases where the user saw an ad, then took action using the remote to engage with the advertiser’s app directly on the same screen. An 8.7% lift in app install activity was also observed across other connected smart TV platforms—scenarios where the user saw the ad on one CTV device, then converted later on another CTV.

Ad View

Based on the direct performance results showcased by outcomes measurement, the advertiser is now increasing spend and activating more campaigns on the platform.

Outcomes measurement now enables the company to expand relationships across its other clients, engaging with both brand and performance marketing teams to diversify its ad sales revenue growth strategy.

Adding Outcomes Measurement for Your Premium Inventory

If you’re a publisher or platform with owned & operated inventory, connect with us to learn more about outcomes measurement tools.

The post Securing More Performance Marketing Dollars With Outcomes Measurement appeared first on Kochava.
